This past Saturday the Band traveled to Martin to participate in two events, the WTSBOA Ratings Festival and the UTM Aviator Invitational. At the morning Ratings Festival, bands from across West Tennessee performed for judges from across the country and received ratings that ranged from Good to Excellent to Superior, with Superior qualifying at the highest rating. The SGC band received Superior Ratings in every category: Band, Field Commander, Color Guard, and Percussion. They were one of only three bands to receive Superior Ratings in every category.
At the evening UTM Aviator Invitational Competition, the Band competed with two other bands in their class and 10 other bands overall. After their second performance of the day, the SGC Band received 1st place Field Commander, 2nd place Guard, and 3rd place Percussion. But the highlight of the night came when they were awarded the UTM Aviator Invitational Grand Champion trophy, placing 1st place overall out of all the bands in attendance!