Class of 2021

Mrs. Cross has created a Class of 2021 course in schoology for your child.  Your child needs to look at it daily.  All announcements that are typically made at school will be posted on schoology in the Class of 2021 under course.  Currently, there are 2 posts, one requiring a response from your child.  Please encourage your child to complete the senior questionnaire by this Friday, September 4th.  Also, yearbooks are on sale through Labor Day. The price is $65. Please order online at

Senior yearbook ads are available through September 30. Please order online at  Please be sure to check your email from Holland Studio and choose your senior pictures for the yearbook. The last announcement is that all seniors will come to SGCHS on Tuesday, September 22nd to take the ACT, this includes digital learners.  More detailed information will be provided in the next couple of weeks.